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B.J.W. Bationo
Climate Issues: The Sahel at the center of debates but a blind spot in research
In recent years, the media has regularly covered natural disasters—floods, droughts, etc.—caused by climate change, occurring at...

B.J.W. Bationo
Climate risks and environmental degradation: The view of society in Burkina Faso
For several years, the media have regularly covered natural disasters, floods, droughts, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc. caused by climate...

B.J.W. Bationo
Climate Change and Vulnerability: Women and Resilience in Burkina Faso
Countries in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in the Sahel region, face enormous internal challenges, including adapting agricultural...

Africa Green News
Niger River, a vital heritage in danger
The Niger River, the main fluvial artery of West Africa, has been subject to pole pressure for several decades. new activities and uses,...
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